Dardanelle Sonora Pass
The alpine Sonora Highway #108 crests the Sierra Nevada mountains at 9000' elevation and usually has the deepest snow in the region. It just opened again- for the short summer season.
Dardanelle is a small village in the forests of granite walls - a general store w/ gasoline, showers, RV park, cabin rentals and a National Forest Campground across the street. Stanislaus National Forest is the place. Carson Iceberg Wilderness and Emigrant Wilderness are located nearby.
Find out more about this Sierra destination
Dardanelle, CA
Stanislaus National Forest
NEW Carson Iceberg Map
Emigrant Wilderness Map
Dardanelle is a small village in the forests of granite walls - a general store w/ gasoline, showers, RV park, cabin rentals and a National Forest Campground across the street. Stanislaus National Forest is the place. Carson Iceberg Wilderness and Emigrant Wilderness are located nearby.
Find out more about this Sierra destination
Dardanelle, CA
Stanislaus National Forest
NEW Carson Iceberg Map
Emigrant Wilderness Map