
Utah Camping Right Now

A fair amount of last minute inquiries on this upcoming Utah trip. 3 Cali girls meeting up w/ 'hippy from the beach' Jan & 'mister white trash' Ardell way out in Moab, Utah. California group meets FRIDAY night; depart Tejon Pass/I-5 SAT May 9th AM. Please post inquiries regarding this MAY UTAH CAMP excursion here. 8 nights camping back roads of Utah drive your own rig on dirt roads; 4x4 not required. ZION, Bryce, Gobblins and Moab..... UTAH CAMPING PHOTOS back roads, off roading, hiking, all over next weekend. yep, we know you wanna go.

California Wildlfowers

Owl's Clover Wildlfower Originally uploaded by danamight This photo is the mighty AV, the Antelope Valley @ Hwy 138 - with the best bloom I've seen in quite a while. Purple Owl's Clover flowers are sprouting up near 110th & the power lines. The hills all around Fairmont Butte are yellow. Poppies can be found all over. The show is best outside of the Poppy Preserve, so save your cash & head off road. Bring a picnic & a camera for a full day of fun in the sun. Wind can be an issue here, so check the weather forecast. Gorman wildflowers are getting some more rain tonight & will be peaking later this month (April). Upper Klipstein Canyon via Cerro Noroeste or Hwy 166 is also going off with color. This looks to be an excellent year for all California wildflowers, so do not delay. Plan your road trip soon!

Paradise in Wildwood

wild wood ED020 Originally uploaded by The Wildebeest Wowwie... Los Angeles area hikes, off the beaten path. This waterfall is near Thousand Oaks, CA. A great outdoorsy find for those looking to escape the traffic, smog & malls.

50% Increase from Last Winter

Yeah, I know you've heard it. America is in a recession or a depression. But that doesn't stop you from wanting to travel. Needing to get away from your daily grind. Can you expect to escape your hurried life for a weekend, for under $100? What bout a $200 limit? No seriously. You would spend that much or more just staying home & hanging out in the city. Really! Think about it. Shopping, dinner at a restaurant, coffee afterwards, or a concert, some drinks during, plus the parking. It adds up super fast as you already know. Total Escape web site traffic is WAY up -- 50% from last winter, cuz people are realizing they gotta travel locally & inexpensively. This goes for the maps store at the dot net & our main site at dot com . DanaMite has the ideas for cheap road trips all over the golden state. Thanks goes to all the newcomers & the avid Escapers. The new residents in Cali, the transplants, the native, the locals, anyone who uses Total Escape on a regul

The Road to Joy

The Road to Joy Originally uploaded by danamight Outdoors is my passion & this stuff, these photos, these stories, my web site is my work, my art, for you to discover what I have seen. The back roads of California are alive with all flavors. My gift to you, the world. Enjoy. Green Creek California is a very special place I visited back in mid 2004. These Sierra Nevada photos have taken a while to upload, but here they are, for your viewing pleasure. This prime Eastern Sierra camping area is well worth the long journey. Plan to spend a minimum of a week here for the full spectrum of recreation. The graded dirt road is suitable for passenger cars & RVs too. Hiking, fishing, camping, it's all out here near Bridgeport CA; Altho most are so in a hurry to reach Bodie Ghost Town State Park, they completely ignore this area, just on the other side of Highway 395. If you have some free time, I would highly suggest this primitive camping location on the Hoover Wilderness bounda

Trail Wilderness

Mount Pinos Peak 8830' elevation, Kern County We all seek a wilderness trail to hike or stroll. Wonderful weather, enveloped in scenery, a peaceful place to call our own - if only for the day or the whole weekend. Deep inside the sacred space we call nature, Mother Earth. Maybe a picnic and waterfall as the highlight of the whole day. In California we are lucky to have plenty trails to enjoy and explore. Whether you want a foot trail to a lake, a fishing trail along the river, a backpackers trail over the highest peaks, an equestrian trail, a mountain bike route, or snowmobile trails new and fresh, we just might have it on our maps - somewhere in here . California Wilderness Areas California Forest Maps California Wilderness Maps California Topo Atlas California Recreation Maps Tom Harrison Topographical Maps

Walkway of Redding

Walkway of Redding Originally uploaded by danamight My impromptu holiday road trip to NorCal was wet, very wet, to say the least. A full solid week of rain & wind, totally drenched. Camping in the mud, not so fun. Meeting locals in Redding & Willow Creek were the highlights. Pinnacles National Monument off of Hwy 101 & King City - was my first stop, where I paid a whopping $27 to camp. The most expensive overnight in a park I can ever recall. Motel 6 might have been a better choice, since the temps dipped to 26 degrees that night. Up in Redding I opted for a cheap hotel, downtown. Walked in the drizzle to find an open restaurant & Sunday night is not a big out-to-dinner night up here, so I had trouble locating a meal. Johnnie's Bar was lit up with neon, looked new & had a Santa ping pong tournament going on. I stopped in for a bite & met Larry, a local who introduced me to his whole crew. A blues/jazz band set up around 7pm & they were pretty de